Launching in 2025
This new Vision for Indian Creek is 70 years in the making and will prepare us for the next century of ministry at Indian Creek Baptist Camp
While we have everything in place, we're still working to create and share the content that makes this amount of knowledge understandable for everyone. God is doing some huge things, and we can't wait to share it all with everyone.
Phase 1 has already begun even as we finish the fundraising efforts. See the info below to learn more about each part of Phase 1 and how you can help Indian Creek meet of Mission, Vision, and Goals in 2025
Grow the team
By adding 2-3 year round part time staff, we will be able to broaden the work load of maintaining and refreshing our grounds and facilities. This also makes our Team more able to stay connected to the Camp Family and potential guest groups
TEAMS Serve Together
By initiating the TEAMS ministry at Indian Creek, we will formally bring in volunteer groups to help our staff with all of the preparations, thought work, connections, and labor of making Indian Creek the best it has ever been. (Click the icon to learn more or join a team)
Cabin Renovation
By renovating our main cabins, we are better able to serve you, and welcome new guests. Don't worry, we won't lose the rustic nature, but we are updating the aesthetics and comforts available in our cabins for everyone to have a better stay.
New Shower Houses
We're currently under construction of 2 new shower house facilities (one in each cabin area). These new buildings will give us year round camp availability to anyone! Now you can have a camp experience anytime at Indian Creek.
Grounds Updates
Updating our entry and exit areas of Indian Creek will make for much improved first impression and lasting impact.
Everything from the gravel, to landscaping, and structures at our entry and exit's will be renovated and rehabilitated.
The 5 T's
If you want to be a part of Growing the Legacy, then simply click the icon above below.
We're asking our Camp Family to give of their Time, Talent, Treasure, Testimony, and Talking with God - all in the support of Indian Creek.